Website Policies

Linkage Policy

This policy governs the establishment of external links on the City of Beverly Hills' official website. For purposes of this policy, an external link is a hyperlink from the City's website to a website maintained by another party. Neither the City's website nor the external links on such website constitute a forum for expressive activity by members of the public.  Rather, the purpose of the City's website and external links is to provide information about officials, services and attractions related to Beverly Hills. Providing external links is in no way an endorsement or recommendation by the City of Beverly Hills of any website maintained by another party or the information therein; these sites are not part of the City's official website. The City reserves the right to deny requests for external links or delete existing external links.

Criteria for Considering Links for the City's Official Website:



Privacy Policy

When you visit this site our Web server automatically collects your IP address.  This address does not identity you individually; it is your computer's address, which tells other computers where to send data.  We do not make IP addresses available to anyone outside our Information Technology staff.  We use the addresses to help diagnose problems with the server and to compile statistics on usage.  The City does not retain IP addresses in the ordinary course of business.

Some sections of this site may use cookies to collect information for statistical purposes as part of the interaction with your browser.  Our cookies will not read information on your hard drive, and the information collected through cookies will not be used in combination with other personal information to determine your identity or your email address.

Our computer system uses software programs to create summary statistics, which do not contain personal identifiers and are used only for internal management functions such as counting the visitors to different sections of the site, determining what information is of most and least interest, customizing technical design specifications, and assessing system performance or problems.

When you visit this site we do not obtain personally identifying information about you unless you choose to provide such information to us.  In certain parts of the site you may be asked to provide information we need to process a request, such as your name, address, gender, and credit card number.  You may decline to provide this information, although doing so may limit our ability to serve you.

If you send us an email message or fill out an email form that contains personally identifying information, we may use that information to respond to you, or we may redirect your question to another person in the City better able to answer it.  We do not share information we receive with outside parties except as required by law.

Under the California Public Records Act, email is within the definition of a public record and may be subject to public disclosure.  This includes information we collect in a questionnaire or a guest book. Email is also subject to disclosure as part of the discovery procedure in a civil lawsuit.  Should disclosure of any information be required, the information will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the law to ensure the greatest protection of personal privacy.

The City does not restrict children from visiting this site.  The City strongly urges that children give no information over the site until they get permission from their parents or guardians.


Terms of Use Policy

This website is governed and controlled by the statutes and ordinances of the State of California and the City of Beverly Hills.  Any use of the site shall conform with all city, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.  All rights, including copyright, in the content of the web pages are owned or controlled by the City.  Unauthorized attempts to upload or alter information on this site are strictly prohibited.  By visiting this site you agree that you will not use it for any unlawful activity or in any other way that would violate the terms above.

The City does not warrant that the functions of this site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected promptly.  The City does not warrant that the site or its server is free of viruses or other harmful components.  The City provides links to other Web resources solely as a public service.  It does not endorse or recommend, and is not responsible for, any programs, activities, services, contents or products of any site to which it links.

Communications made through electronic mail (email) and messaging systems shall in no way be deemed to constitute legal notice to the City or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents or representatives with respect to any existing or potential claim or cause of action against the City or any of its agencies, officers, employees, agents or representatives where notice to the City is required by any federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.

California law provides that a person or entity may request personal notice of all public hearings on certain matters.  The City will provide such notice by email if the requester waives in writing the right to receive such notice by postal mail.  California Government Code Section 54954.1 provides that any request for mailed copies of agendas or agenda materials shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is filed and must be renewed after January 1 of each year.